Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Helping the LGBTQ Community one step at a time

Katlego is from Botswana and she is a Transgender women. Katlego has been receiving a lot of criticism from her fellow people, and sometimes even abuse. Her people can't seem to accept the fact that she is transgender and therefore they bully her. Katlego goes on to talk about how one day a man, started to throw bricks at her, and the bystanders watching beside her did nothing. They let the man continue to harass Katlego as they stood there. Which is just awful and cruel. Another lady by the name of Adong Judith is from Uganda, she is a straight women who has decided to help fight against discrimination for the LGBTQ community. Especially in African nations where being LGBTQ is forbidden, or looked down upon. They both have teamed up to started the very first LGBT themed theater festival. with this they want to see LGBTQ people audition for plays such as " Romeo and Juliet" in order to try and change the attitudes of homophobia people. Together they plan to make a difference in the nations one step at a time. 
Katlego Kolanyane-Kesupile and Adong Judith are allies in the fight against homophobia in African countries.


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Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Marburg Outbreak

A very contagious and extremely deadly disease has spread in Uganda. Those infected with the disease have symptoms such as High fever, bleeding, vomiting, and diarrhea. Two cases have been confirmed that the cause of their death came from the Marburg disease. Two other cases were suspected that the Marburg disease was the cause of their death's. Now the cases that were confirmed that Marburg was the reason, those two people were brother and sister. It was reported that the Male had been living near a cave that contained Rousettus bats, this bats were known to be carrying the disease. So after it infected him some how it was transferred onto the sister. The disease is so contagious that even just by touching contaminated surfaces and materials can infect a human. At least up to 135 patients currently have been infected with the disease. As of right now WHO has been working with the Ugandan health authorities to help stop the disease from spreading. It has been said that the Marburg outbreak is very similar to Ebola. And that there is currently no cure for the disease.

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Friday, November 3, 2017

Kids for sale ?

A loving family of six wanted to help out children in any way that they could. They decided a good way of doing so to be adopting an orphan child. They wanted to share their love and abundance with an unfortunate child  who did not have access to any of that. They did their research and learned that there were over 3 million orphans in Uganda.  So, they decided they wanted to adopt a child from Uganda. After a little over a year, they received a little six year old orphan girl named Namata from Uganda. The agency from where they adopted her said she had been abused by her birth parents and abandoned by her family. Namata was a sweet and loving girl who never showed signs of being neglected, which astonished the family, but what surprised them the most was that she would tell the family stories about how loving her family was and about the good memories she had of them. At first they thought she was telling those stories to try and cope with her traumatic past. But they soon realized she was telling the truth, she was never an orphan, and everything that was in her paper work was a lie. They realized that they were provided with a false " orphan" who was never truly abandoned by her family, only to fulfill their wants to adopt. They learned that this has been happening a lot with families in Uganda.  They  also later found out that Namata's mother was told that the family would give Namata an education and would be cared for but not fully adopted.  Once Namata's birth mother realized what was happening she realized she would never see her daughter again, which devastated her. The family did what they thought was the right thing to do and returned Namata to her family, where she belongs. Even though they were devastated to see her leave they were happy to see her  excitement to be back with her family.